

TravelESP Resources and more for Your Curiosity and Moneymaking Interest

The following are selected TravelESP resources we have used, are using ourselves, or that have been highly recommended as worthwhile resources for our readers. Just remember you will likely have to do some work for any business or moneymaking opportunity to pan out.

The First Ad Below is Specifically for Women Empowerment but All Others Apply to Anyone

mindset notes


travelesp resources

A Few Interesting Books for Your Reading Pleasure

Here are a few travel books to potentially add to your book collection. They may give you some insights on interesting places to visit.

Click Images for more information.



Some Domain Names to Consider Plus Hosting

If you want your own travel website here’s a great domain name for it. Right now we’re offering a special deal that includes a basic Travel website.

We only have two available domain names and site offers remaining. It can save you a lot of time and you don’t have to worry about the hassles of putting up a site. You can concentrate on the content which is more important. The websites will be WordPress websites. They are the most common for both beginners and experienced site owners.


Domain Names I own that are For Sale ad for sale This is excellent for a nostalgia site. This is excellent for a niche ecommerce store selling hats, caps, woman’s hair accessories, etc.

Click Here for more Domain Names For Sale.


We’ve used several hosting companies over the years. Here is a TravelESP resource we’re using now that’s very good and specifically for WordPress sites. We think you’ll love their service.
TravelESP resources

Do you need a domain name for your website or upcoming site? Here are a few visual displays of mine. Buy one or get ideas from them. CLICK HERE.


Cyber Security is Especially Important for Very Small Businesses

get cyber securedIf you have a small business security of your data is a must. It is a must if you keep any customer data on your computers. Here is a low cost do-it-yourself opportunity to securely protect your computer system without paying the ridiculously high prices cyber security companies charge. You could do this yourself or have a competent employee do it.


A Controversial Topic, but Be Aware The U.S. Government Did/Still Does? Research on Psychic Phenomena, more Specifically Remote Viewing

psychic resourcesIf you’re interested in knowing something about yourself from the psychic side of yourself here’s something you may be interested in.

There are a lot of questions about psychic phenomena. That includes many questions about whether we have psychic abilities or not. I’ve had a couple of such psychic readings and the results amazed me at the accuracy.

Also the area covers the interesting topic of whether close family that have passed away can actually communicate with us from – wherever they are, if anywhere in a psychic realm. Whether you believe in psychic readings or not this is an interesting area of potential new discoveries.

psychic readingsThe whole area of psychic phenomena is one shrouded in mystery for most of us. I happen to be interested in it to a certain extent. So I invited a psychic to my home where she gave psychic readings to many of my neighbors that day. Afterwards she asked me if I wanted a reading.

I reluctantly said yes, but not to tell me anything bad. She did tell me three things I didn’t want to hear. Two which later came true. The third, however, involved me getting in an accident in my little red Corvette. That disturbed me so I made it a point for that following month she said I’d have the accident to prove to myself I could control my own destiny. So I drove my classic 63 Corvette (don’t know how she knew I had one – I only drove it rarely since it was becoming rare and parts were getting hard to find) on that indicated freeway around the time and direction where she said my accident would occur.

That was to prove to myself that no psychic, whether real or not, could in any way influence my life. Nothing happened. No accident fortunately. But the other two disturbing things did come true within a couple of months of my reading. I did breakup with my longtime girlfriend. The other was about me quitting my job which I had tentatively planned shortly to do six weeks from that reading date if my horseracing research panned out. Unfortunately it didn’t and I was still making money from my horseracing research and betting. But not quite enough to quit my good programming job at the time.

More Ways of Making Money Online

TravelESP resourcesHere’s a program we think you’ll like. Take a look at this opportunity and see if it’s something that might be right for you.

They have several options you can choose from starting from a newbie with no experience online to making a very nice living from your efforts.

It Is Not multi-level marketing. With this opportunity one can work from home and potentially create a nice part-time income. If one really puts in the effort, it is possible to make an exceptional income.

There are lots of opportunities online for people to work from home. We highly suggest taking a good look at this one.


If you are someone looking to make money online here is a great option for you. It is an excellent low-cost way to learn and at the same time make money through affiliate commissions. That’s one of the best ways to make money online because you don’t need to create any products of your own.

Just like us you can create a website for your presence online and promote other peoples and companies products. Training is provided as well as a community of like minded people to answer your questions and get ideas from.

Learn and progress at your own speed. The cost is low and affordable for almost anyone. You can start off with their Free starter membership. Join Wealthy Affiliates and never look back.

Travel Destinations to Read about Plus What’s your Travel IQ?

Here’s a different type of our TravelESP resources. One where you can not only read about various travel destinations, but take a short quiz on them.
A mystical travel destinationDo you like to travel? What about knowing or learning about some great travel locations you might want to visit?

Here is one of our sister sites on various travel destinations. Read about some interesting places to visit. But more than that you can test your reading and memory skills.

Read the articles and take the quiz to find out just how good your memory is of what you’ve just red. What’s with this foreboding looking place in the picture? Click the image to read about a mystical place you might want to visit if you’re ever in the area.